Goubko M. V. (ICS RAS, Лаборатория 70)

Last name: 


First name: 





  • D.Sc. (Physico-mathematical)


  • Professor
Место работы




  • Moscow


vice-director for science, leading researcher

Interoffice telephone: 



Google Scholar Profile:  here

CV:  here

Areas of interest: Mathematical methods of complex systems' structure optimization and their application anywhere: from computer science and chemistry to management and logistics.

Popular digest of the research: 

Are there common laws in the formation of an organic molecule, structuring an organization, or growing a decision tree? Mathematics gives the positive answer! A system is a collection of elements connected with links, which form the structure of the system. Rational structures of natural systems are the result of survival, while the optimal structure of an artificial system must be planned at the design time. Systems science allows catching common properties of very diverse problems in the range from communication network design to business processes enhancement, while combinatorial optimization provides the toolkit of universal solution methods. The clue is the property of locality often met in real life. If the degree of optimality of each element of a structure depends only on how the system is structured in the neighborhood of this element, then the structure can be considered as a chain of braced rings, and the optimal structure design reduces to sequential selection of optimal elements (“rings”) and their optimal connection (but do not forget to care for the desired size and the style of a “chain armor” being sewed!) In the classic Huffman algorithm lying in the core of most archiving utilities an optimal coding tree is built in a bottom-up fashion by sequentially joining the roots of two branches of minimum “weight” under a single node. It can be surprising to get know that organic molecules with the lowest boiling temperature follow the similar formation rule. The same formula is used to calculate both the optimal user menu breadth (the number of options simultaneously available to a user on a screen of his or her iPhone for the most convenient navigation), and the optimal span of control (the number of immediate subordinates) in an efficient organizational structure. 

Many other general laws in complex structure design are revealed during the ongoing long-term fundamental research program. The developed algorithms, routines, and analytical techniques find their application in technology and management.