


Параметры публикации

Тип публикации: 

Тезисы доклада


Logarithmic proximity measures outperform plain ones in graph nodes clustering

Наименование конференции: 

  • 6th International Conference on Network Analysis (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2016)

Наименование источника: 

  • Abstract Book of the 6th International Conference on Network Analysis (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2016)


  • Nizhny Novgorod


  • NRU Higher School of Economics

Год издания: 



We consider a number of graph kernels and proximity measures: commute time kernel, regularized Laplacian kernel, heat kernel, communicability, etc., and the corresponding distances as applied to clustering nodes in random graphs. The model of generating graphs involves edge probabilities for the pairs of nodes that belong to the same class or different classes. It turns out that in most cases, logarithmic measures (i.e., measures resulting after taking logarithm of the proximities) perform much better in distinguishing classes than the “plain” measures. A direct comparison of inter-class and intra-class distances confirms this conclusion. A possible explanation of this fact is that most kernels have a multiplicative nature, while the nature of distances used in cluster algorithms is an additive one (cf. the triangle inequality). The logarithmic transformation is just a tool to transform one nature to another. Moreover, some distances corresponding to the logarithmic measures possess a meaningful cutpoint additivity property. In our experiments, the leader is the so-called logarithmic communicability measure, which distinctly outperforms the “plain” communicability.

Библиографическая ссылка: 

Чеботарев П.Ю., Ивашкин В.С. Logarithmic proximity measures outperform plain ones in graph nodes clustering / Abstract Book of the 6th International Conference on Network Analysis (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2016). Nizhny Novgorod: NRU Higher School of Economics, 2016. С. 8.