


Параметры публикации

Тип публикации: 

Статья в журнале/сборнике


Improving the geodynamic safety of the developed hydrocarbon fields in the oil and gas bearing basin





Наименование источника: 

  • Bezopasnost' Truda v Promyshlennosti

Обозначение и номер тома: 



  • Москва


  • STC Industrial Safety CJSC

Год издания: 



45 - 51
The predominant area of application of the developed methodology is the construction of the distribution of the geodynamic state of the developed hydrocarbon fields in oil and gas basin, and the identification of the corresponding distribution law. A number of the hydrocarbon deposits in terms of geological conditions of occurrence, structure and other parameters are geodynamically hazardous during their development. The Federal Law «On Subsurface Resources» (Article 24) requires conducting a complex of geological, surveying, and other observations sufficient for ensuring a normal technological cycle of work, and the prediction of hazardous situations. The developed methodology based on the construction of aggregated additive models for each reservoir and field is presented. It includes four sequential stages (24 operations): first — prepare geodynamic data; second — determine the geodynamic state of productive strata; third — find the geodynamic state of the developed deposits subsoil; fourth — build the distribution of the bowels geodynamic state of these fields for the entire oil and gas basin and identify the relevant distribution law. Oil and gas basin in the west of the Orenburg Region (Volga — Ural and Caspian oil and gas provinces) is considered as an example of implementation. Unique data of twenty geodynamic parameters of 320 productive strata (56 fields) were used. It is revealed that in accordance with the Pearson criterion, the theoretical data with a high confidence probability (95 %) correspond to the law of normal distribution. Developed methodology has significant technical and economic advantages, since it allows to identify the geodynamic state of productive strata and subsoil of the fields being developed, to identify hazardous geodynamic processes and to choose rational modes for the development of hydrocarbon deposits.

Библиографическая ссылка: 

Владова А.Ю., Владов Ю.Р., Нестеренко М.Ю., Нестеренко Ю.М. Improving the geodynamic safety of the developed hydrocarbon fields in the oil and gas bearing basin // Bezopasnost' Truda v Promyshlennosti. 2021. №8. С. 45 - 51.

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